Monday, November 11, 2019

Benefits of Executing Effective Training

Benefits of Executing Effective Training

There are so many benefits associated with training. Kraiger (2002) summarizes these benefits as below:
  •        High morale – employees who receive training have increased confidence and motivations;
  •        Lower cost of production – training eliminates risks because trained personnel are able to make better and economic use of material and equipment thereby reducing and avoiding waste;
  •        Lower turnover – training brings a sense of security at the workplace which in turn reduces labor turnover and absenteeism is avoided;
  •       Change management – training helps to manage change by increasing the understanding and involvement of employees in the change process and also provides the skills and abilities needed to adjust to new situations;
  •      Provide recognition, enhanced responsibility and the possibility of increased pay and promotion;

Kraiger K. 2002. Decision-based evaluation. In Creating, Implementing, and Maintaining Effective Training and Development: State-of-the-Art Lessons for Practice, ed. K Kraiger, pp. 331–75. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass

Limitation of Executing Effective Training

Limitation of Executing Effective Training

Fast growing technology affect all types of traditional training methods. Frequent changes in technology and job design of the workforce and the morale of the employees; moreover, there are multiple generations of workers day in day out work together to achieve organizational goals and objectives. Each generation has unique characteristics; therefore, training should be delivered according to the audience type in order to achieve the objectives (Tyler, 2007). Absence of managerial support could restrain the impact of creative training (Birdi, 2005). Poor training atmosphere affects training effectiveness. Effective training depends on the way training has been executed by the trainer and its content (Driskell 2011). Ultimate goals of several employee training and development programs are to deliver the mission of the organization and assist employees to learn the culture of the organization (Gerbman 2000).

Source: Learn Tech, 2012 

Tyler, K. (2007) The tethered generation. HR Magazine, 52(5), 40. 

Birdi, K. S. (2005) Evaluating the Effectiveness of Creativity Training. Journal of European Industrial Training, 102 –111. 

Driskell, J. E. (2011) Effectiveness of Different Detection Training: A Meta –Analysis. Psychology, Crime and Law 10 (2011), 1-19. 

Gerbman, R. V. (2000) Corporate Universities, 101 HR Magazine, 45 (2), 101-106. 

Learn Tech (2012)  Limitations of traditional training approach, (Accessed on 12th November 2019).

Benefits of Executing Effective Training

Benefits of Executing Effective Training There are so many benefits associated with training. Kraiger (2002) summarizes these ...