Monday, December 10, 2018


Training is a systematic process of development of the competencies required by an individual to perform job effectively (Armstrong, 2001). Training is a continuous process in order to improve the competencies of the employees to perform the given job effectively. Training helps in updating old talents and developing new ones (Aswathappa, 2000). Training helps to reconcile the gap between   actual performance and expected performance (Supangco, 2011). Training is key factor to change some positive events which eventually help to increase productivity and improvement   of performance (Kay, 2007).


Global is facing dramatic challenge to attract and retain talents. Due to the globalization and fast-growing technology (Allen, 2010). also increased competition (Qayyum,, 2012; Kumpikaite & Sakalas, 2011). Employer should be provided the continuous learning environment to drive the employees towards the organizational Mission, Vision and values (Spender, 2001). Employees must increase diverse skills and knowledge in terms of personal and professional traits’. performance is the ultimate goal of any business’s efforts that leads towards the achievement of market leadership and capturing of unbeatable talent. These two are crucial for the organizations and are part of the organizational strategic mission (Mwita, 2000: Abbas & Yaqoob, 2009). People are the life blood of every organization and it is the foremost resource of the organization. therefore, organizations invest enormous amount on the people development because the performance of human resource will eventually increase the performance of the organization. 


There are several training and development methods available. It is important to conduct a training needs analysis to identify the training needs and to select the appropriate training method. Beardwell & Holden (2013) pinpoint that a careful use of training methods can be very cost-effective investment in the sense of using appropriate methods. Broadly, training programs are classified into:  on-the-job training and off-the-job training.  On-the-job training has been used to develop employees and typically includes verbal and written instructions, demonstrations and observations and hands on practice imitation. (Ruthwell et al.,2005). Off-the-job training methods are organized outside the job environment. this enables the trainees to study theoretical information or be exposed to new and innovative ideas. Different organizations use different training and development techniques according to the needs of their employees and the objectives of the organization. It then depends on the organization’s philosophy that whether to outsource training or develop its own trainers and training initiatives (Dessler,2005; Dessler & Varkkey ,2010).


It is paramount important for the organizations to design the training very carefully and should be executed effectively (Armstrong, 2000). Training designing should be aligned with the employee needs (Ginsberg, 1997). organizations which develop an effective training design according to the need of the trainees as well as to the organization always produce best results (Partlow, 1996; Tihanyi et al., 2000; Boudreau et al., 2001). It shows that effective training design plays a vital role in the employee as well as organizational performance. a bad training design is a loss of time and money (Tsaur and Lin, 2004). Different writers have written varies approaches for training and development of employees. The number of steps differs but the principle remains the same.

Systematic training process for effective training and development

Source: Armstrong (2009)

Training should be systematic in that it is specifically designed, planned and implemented to meet defined needs. The above stated training and development process is being implemented in ATL PLC as given below. 

1.      Identify training needs
Sales representatives training needs are identified through Sales Performance Gap Analysis: ATL training and development department does sales performance gap analysis by comparing the current and desired performance of sales representatives. The difference between the desired performance and the actual performance is known as a performance gap. based on the analysis results the programs being designed.

2.      Plan Training Program
In this phase, the focus is on learning objectives, content, subject matter analysis, exercise, lesson planning, assessment instruments used and media selection.
ATL Training department provides comprehensive practical three days professional selling skills classroom training program to enhance knowledge, skills and attitude of the sales representatives to excel in designing solutions.
  • Techniques Used: Lecture, Demonstration, Small Group Activity, Case Study and Role Play. ATL Training department uses the above-mentioned techniques to deliver the effective training program.
  • Facilities: Fully equipped air-conditioned training rooms with library, white-boards, projectors, Lighting is in accordance with normal lighting required in training rooms. ATL has provided adequate training facilities where sales representatives can learn and practice on similar tools and equipment that they’ll use at their jobs.
  • Location: ATL Training Centers in each region
  • Trainers: Internal trainers and external trainers.

3.    Implement Training: ATL Training department is responsible for the delivery of training using both the internal and external trainers depends on the content. in this phase trainers and participants actively contribute to the effective execution of the training program.

4.   Evaluate Training: Observation, Questionnaires, Focus Groups Activities, Case studies and Role Plays have been given to evaluate the effectiveness of the training program. Throughout the evaluation phase the ATL training department determine whether the desired objectives are met or should be improved.


Fast growing technology affect all types of traditional training methods. Frequent changes in technology and job design of the workforce and the morale of the employees; moreover, there are multiple generations of workers day in day out work together to achieve organizational goals and objectives. Each generation has unique characteristics; therefore, training should be delivered according to the audience type in order to achieve the objectives (Tyler, 2007). Absence of managerial support could restrain the impact of creative training (Birdi, 2005). Poor training atmosphere affects training effectiveness. Effective training depends on the way training has been executed by the trainer and its content (Driskell 2011). Ultimate goals of several employee training and development programs are to deliver the mission of the organization and assist employees to learn the culture of the organization (Gerbman 2000).


There are so many benefits associated with training. Cole (2001) summarizes these benefits as below:
  • High morale – employees who receive training have increased confidence and motivations
  • Lower cost of production – trained personnel are able to make better and economic use of material and equipment thereby reducing and avoiding waste
  • Lower turnover – training brings a sense of security at the workplace which in turn reduces labor turnover and absenteeism is avoided
  • Change management – training helps to manage change by increasing the understanding and involvement of employees in the change process and also provides the skills and abilities needed to adjust to new situations
  • Provide recognition, enhanced responsibility and the possibility of increased pay and promotion


Excellence employee training and development programs increase the quality of the employee performance; this statement agrees with Bandura’s social learning theory. The significance Bandura’s social learning theory, on the impact that quality employee training and development has on service delivery, is highlighted by Cropazano and Mitchell (2005), as quoted in Nel et al (2008), who contend that when organizations train and develop their employees they invest in their employees and, in return, employees tend to reciprocate in positive ways.

Employees required on the jobs and off the jobs training to perform their duties effectively (Aswathappa, 2000). Effective training program lead to effective performance of the trainees and it will ultimately enhance the organization performance. competent trainers designing and executing employee training and development programs in order to contribute to enhance performance. This is noted in the findings of Naris and Ukpere (2009) that highlight that effective staff development and training programs will improve staff performance. The relationship between the quality of employee training and development programs, and service delivery, is supported by Heeter’s (2006) findings, which suggest that as we push forward into the 21st century, organizations are realizing the very real value of having high quality and focused training available to their employees. It has been evidenced that training the workforce is inevitable for all the organizations keeping aside their size, scope, and geographical boundaries (Imran and Tanveer, 2015).


Allen, M. (2010) Corporate universities 2010: globalization and greater sophistication. The Journal of International Management Studies, 5(1), 48-50.

Armstrong, M. (2001) A Handbook of Human Resource Management Practice, 8th Edition. London (UK): Kogan Page.
Armstrong, M. (2009) Armstrong's handbook of human resource management practice,11th edition. London (UK) and Philadelphia (USA): Kogan Page Limited.

Aswathappa, K.  (2000) Human resource and Personnel Management. New Delhi: Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited.

Beardwell, I., Holden, L. and Claydon, T.  (2013) Human Resource Management a Contemporary Approach, 4th Edition. Harlow: Prentice Hall.

Birdi, K. S. (2005) Evaluating the Effectiveness of Creativity Training. Journal of European Industrial Training, 102 –111.

Cropazano, R., & Mitchell, M. S. (2005) Social exchange theory: An interdisciplinary review. Journal of Management, 31(6), 874–900.

Dessler, G. (2015) Human Resource Management, 14th edition, United States of America: Prentice Hall.

Driskell, J. E. (2011) Effectiveness of Different Detection Training: A Meta –Analysis. Psychology, Crime and Law 10 (2011), 1-19.

Gerbman, R. V. (2000) Corporate Universities 101, HR Magazine, 45 (2), 101-106.

Ginsberg, L. (1997) Training for the long haul. Computer Shopper. Vol: 17, p: 4

Heeter, D. (2006) A review of employee training and development. University of Phoenix. Available from essay [Accessed 26 November 2018].

Hung, T. K. (2010) An empirical study of the training evaluation decision-making model to measure training outcome. Journal of Social Behavior and Personality. 38(1) , 87-102.

Kay, B. J. (2007) Review of human resource development :training failure as a consequence of organizational culture. IHR Journal, 6(2), pp. 142–163.

Khan, A. G., Khan, F. A., & Khan, M. A. (2011) Impact of training and development on organizational performance. Global Journal of Management and Business Reseach, 11(7), 63-68.

Kumpikaite, V., & Sakalas, A. (2011) The model of human resource development system’s evaluation. International Conference on E-business, Management and Economics (pp. 46-50). Singapore: IACSIT Press.

Mwita, J. I. (2000) Performance management model: A system-based approach to system quality.The International Journal of Public Sector Management , 13 (1), 19-37.

Naris, S. N., & Ukpere, W. I. (2009) The effectiveness of an HR code: staff development and training at the Polytechnic of Namibia. Cape Peninsula University of Technology. Business Papers and Reports.

Nel, P. S., Werner, A., Haasbroek, G. D., Poisat, P., Sono, T., & Schultz, H. B. (2008) Human Resource Management.7th edition. Southern Africa Oxford University Press.

Partlow, C.G. (1996) Human-resources practices of TQM hotels, Cornell Hotel & Restaurant Administration Quarterly, Vol. 37 No.5, pp.67-77.

Qayyum, A., Sharif, M. T., Ahmad, A., Khan, M. S., & Rehman, K. -u. (2012). Training & development practices in National Bank of Pakistan. Information Management and Business Review, 8-17.

Spender, C. J. (2001) Knowledge management, uncertainty, and the emergent theory of the firm. In N. Bontis, & C. Choo, The Strategic Management of Intellectual Capital and Organizational Knowledge. London: Oxford University Press.

Supangco, V. T. (2011) Review of Strategic HR Practices in Some Organizations in the Philippines. Management and Business Journal, 19(23), pp.35 48.

Tyler, K. (2007) The tethered generation. HR Magazine, 52(5), 40.


  1. Shameer, as you correctly stated, effective training and development is necessary for an organization. Bhartiya(2015) states that through training, gap between employee competence and present job requirements can be fulfilled while improving employee performance and behavior. Furthermore, there is a direct link between training and employee performance (Boadu et al., 2014). However, Quartey (2012) states that employees in some organizations are not involve or aware of any training programs. Moreover, he states that this has narrowed the organizational performance. Therefore organizations should consider training and development as important and continuous process.

    1. Chathurika, What you stated is correct.Effective training and development program is an important factor to be considered by both the organization and the employees.Employee performance depends on many factors like job satisfaction, knowledge and management but there is relationship between training and performance(Chris ,2010). This shows that employee performance is important for the performance of the organization and the training & and
      development is beneficial for the employee to enhance his/her performance. It seems that effective training design plays vital role in the employee as
      well as organizational performance. Tsaur and Lin (2004)states a bad training design is nothing but the loss of time and money.

  2. Dear Shameer, as you have stated , Excellence employee training and development programs increase the quality of the employee performance; this statement agrees with Bandura’s social learning theory.In the social cognitive view, people are neither driven by inner forces nor
    automatically shaped and controlled by external stimuli. Rather, human functioning is explained in terms of a model of triadic reciprocally in which behavior, cognitive and other personal factors, and other environmental events all operate as interacting determinants of each other. (Bandura, 1986).Mainly organizations go for training programs to improve productivity and quality, to increaseorganizational and employee morale, to motivate employees, to achieve financial gains, for prevention from industrial accidents, to provide wider awareness to employees that leads them to enhance their personal growth,to reduce employees’ turnover intentions, for enhancement of company’s image through conducting ethics training and for updating employees skills to align them with company’s goals and objectives ( Journal of Business and Management, Volume 16, Issue 9.Ver. I (Sep. 2014),

    1. Dear Hemendra,I agree with your comment that it is paramount important to have an effective training and development program to achieve organizational and personal objectives of the employees. Every organization should develop its employees according to the need of that time so that they could compete with their competitors (Carlos and Braga,1995). Trained employees perform well as compared to untrained employees (Partlow, 1996;Tihanyi et al., 2000; Boudreau et al.,2001).

  3. Sameer as you have stated Employees must increase diverse skills and knowledge in terms of personal and professional traits, thereby training and development is beneficial not just for the organization itself but also to the individual employees moreover training and development leads to improved profitability of the organization plus the morale of the workforce (Tahir et al). Training and development are essential strategic tools required for effective individual and Organization performance (Falola et al).

    1. Dear Rochana, Stredwick (2005) notes that the most important role in human resources is to help employees improve their performance through employee training and development and, by doing so, to improve the performance of the organizations. Employee training and development has become one of the key aspects in improving employee performance in organizations, thus leading to improved organizational performance and growth. Marquardt, Nissley, Ozag, and Taylor (2000) highlight the significance of employee training and development and the subsequent benefits for the organizations when they note that, in future, organizations will depend on well trained employees who will accomplish tasks and successfully operate in the global environment.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Training and development programs play a vital role in every organization. These programs improve Employee Performance at workplace, it updates Employee Knowledge and enhances their personal Skills and it helps in avoiding Managerial Obsolescence. With the use of these programs, it is easier for the management to evaluate the job performance and accordingly take decisions like employee Promotion, rewards, compensations, welfare facilities, etc. These training programs also help the managers in succession planning, employee retention and motivation. It creates Efficient and Effective employees in the Organization.

    1. Dear Jancy, as you highlighted that training and development is important to achieve the organizational and individual objectives. According to G.P. Nunvi (2006), training programs are directed towards maintaining and improving current job performance while development seeks to improve skills for future jobs. Apospori et al. (2008) had deduced that there is a considerable impact of training on organizational performance.

  6. An excellent blog Shameer. Also there is direct relationship between positive training experiences and attitudes of an individual employee and one’s proficiency (Truitt, 2011). Slavic & Berber (2014) revealed a significant relationship between effective training practices and organizational performance. Hau & Omar (2015) a positive relationship exists between training and organizational performance as indicated that training sessions are working smooth in the services sector and it is enhancing organizational performance.

    1. Dear Prashanth, I agree with your statement that there is direct relationship between positive training experiences and attitudes of an individual employee. According to Tsai, Yen, Huang, and Huang (2007), employees who are committed to learning showed a higher level of job satisfaction that has a positive effect on their performance., as defined in the present study, Training is the planned intervention that is developed to improve the determinants of individual job performance (Chiaburu &Teklab, 2005).

  7. Dear Shameer, i totally agree with the following statement "Excellence employee training and development programs increase the quality of the employee performance" in your blog. This statement is well supported by the authors Hameed and Waheed (2011). According to the authors employees are the crucial component of firms and indeed the firm’s success and failure depends on performance of employee.Furthermore, certain authors advocate the following relationship with related to training and development. According to the explanations, there is direct relationship between positive training experience and attitude of an employee and one’s proficiency (Truitt, 2011). Slavic & Berber (2014) revealed a significant relationship between effective training practices and organizational carrying out . Hau & Omar (2015) a positive relationship exists between training and organizational performance as indicated that training sessions are workings smooth in the vast service sector and it is enhancing organizational performance. Moreover, when considering banks which is a major service sector, various views have been expressed by many authors. For an example, organisations can organize internal training sessions with the objective of systemising employee on new linguistic rule (Swaminathan & Shankar , 2011). According to Gonchikar (2012) he noted training plans are not fully implemented in the most of world sector bank and there is no effective annual training calendar for the establishment with the excuse brought forward by the managers that it has been so difficult to implement training programmes harmoniously due to the fact that the banks cannot fill the gap which might be left by an employee while attending to the training as far as overall delivery are concerned.
    So that, the training and development process should be initiated after a deep analysis.

    1. Dear Niroshini,I agree with your justification.Training could be defined as a set of activities which react to present needs and is focused on the instructor and contrasts with learning as a process that focuses on developing individual and organizational potential and building capabilities for the future (Reynolds, 2004). According to Saleem and Mehwish (2011) training is an organized increase from the know how skills and sensations needed for staff members to execute efficiently in the offered process, as well as, to operate in underling situation. Laing (2009) defines training as an indicator to enhance superior skills, knowledge, capabilities and outlook of the employees that results in effective performance of the workers. Training should be viewed therefore as an integral part of the process of total quality management (Sabir, 2014).

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. As you stated above Shameer, several authors further emphasis on the fact that how effective Training programs allow to drive the performance of the workforce.

    Training and Development helps organization continual growth and improvement. It allows employees to be more effective in their jobs in the world of competitive economies as it provides employees to acquire knowledge and technical skills and help them develop positive attitudes and behaviors. Hence, it was reported that more than 90% of the companies across the globe provide numerous Training on Leadership and Management which consist of organizational wide vital topics such as communication, time management, strategic planning, problem solving and decision making, management change, public speaking and presentation skills (Kriemadis and Kourtesopoulou, 2008). To design an effective Training, it is required to first understand the overall picture of the organization. This can be done by using a SWOT analysis. With the understanding of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats to the organization, Training Need Analysis (TNA) is required to carry out to identify the gaps between the employees’ actual performance and desired performance. By carefully analysis of the performance gaps of the employees would determines if there is a need for training at all or what training needs to be done as some performance gaps may require other interventions than Trainings (Gusdorf, 2009).

    further elaborate on the fact how Training intervene to enhance the performance of the employees by bridging the gap between the current performance and the standard desired performance wherein it helps the workforce to decrease their anxiety or frustration originated at the workplace. Certain Training programs design in a way to enhance their abilities and competencies that are needed at the workplace to make best use of their human resources in favor of gaining competitive advantage. It also allows to sharpen their creativity and thinking ability which result in taking better decision in timely and effective manner (Elnaga and Imran, 2013).

    1. Dear Nilmini,I agree with your statement.Casse and Banahan(2007)narrates that the different Viewed to training and development need to be explored. It has come to their attention by their own preferred model and through experience with large Organisations. The current traditional training continuously facing the challenges in the selection of the employees, in maintaining the uncertainty related to the purpose and in introducing new tactics for the environment of work and by recognizing this, they advising on all the problems, which reiterates the requirement for flexible approach.o meet current and future business demands, training and development process has assumed its strategic role and in this regard few studies by Stavrou et al.’s (2004) and Apospori, Nikandrou, Brewster and Papalexandris’s (2008), have attained much importance as these highlight the T&D practices in cross-national contexts.

  10. Dear Shameer as you have mentioned “effective training programs lead to effective performance of the trainees and it will ultimately enhance the organization performance”. It is stated that trainee characteristics leads to the success of learning and training process. It is very important to continue to identify trainee characteristics that are applicable to new and emerging modes of learning (Bradford et al., 2017). Future research is required to improve our understanding of the trainee characteristics that are critical during technology-based training. Sitzmann and Johnson (2012), states that planning is important in online training because individuals must frequently decide where and when to complete the course and how much time left for them to commit for learning. Trainees who are extremely proactive possibly will be more likely to progress plans for how they will effectively complete the training and to generate substitute strategies in the event they encounter obstacles (Grant & Ashford, 2008).

    1. Dear Nipuni, Apospori et al. (2008) had deduced that there is a reasonable impact of training on organizational performance.HRD Department must have the ability to formalize training and development plan, its alignment with the business strategy, and its implementation and evaluation to enhance organizational performance.According to Ocquaye (2004), this is exemplified by the provision of professional and tertiary institutions, vocational training institutes and colleges, secondary and technical schools, as well as the reforms in education. All these facilitate the acquisition of skills and knowledge to ensure workplace effectiveness and efficiency.

  11. Dear Shameer identifying training need of each individual plays a vital part in effective training and development .The training needs are considered the key steps of the training process in organizations, and represent the actual as requirements which the training programs aim to achieve. The training needs are identified prior to starting to prepare the training program, to ensure that this program is in line with the actual training needs for trainees. The training needs are considered a strength aspect to the organization when the organization can identify the needs of its employees properly and accurately. Also, it is considered a weakness aspect when the organization fails to identify the training needs of its employees, because they will constitute an unjustified cost and loss to organization and the employees. The process of identifying the training needs shall help the training departments in designing the training programs related to the needs of employees and organizations, and to identifying the standards indictors that can measure the change in trainees behavior as a result of training process (Al-Azzawi and Jawad, 2010). Also, the organization is working to achieve its objectives efficiently and effectively, which requires that the training process shall be one of the basic and important processes within the organization, as being the main method that helps the organization's administration. The basis of the success training depends on the success of identifying training needs process which constitutes the backbone of the training process, and lead to the success of the training programs that is reflected positively on the work of the organization and the organization employees. The organization can identify the training needs that training scheme shall follow in order to get training needs constructed on correct and accurate scientific basis through analyzing the organization and analyzing the job (Abdul,2015)

    1. Dear Nadheesha,According to Ivancevich (2010), training and development is a process that attempts to provide employees with information, skills and understanding of the organization and its goals. Additionally training and development aids an employee to continue to make the necessary positive contribution to the success of employing organization in terms of his / her good performance on the job.Cole (1997), says further that training and development is faced by every organization, even though the quality and intensity of the training carried out may from one organization to another.

  12. Dear Shameer adding to your valued topic Training, as defined in present studies “is the planned intervention that is designed to enhance the determinants of individual job performance” (Chiaburu &Teklab, 2005). Nisha (2009) notes the need for, and appreciation of employee training and development and contends that it ensures that the organisation functions according to promulgated government reg-ulations and has skilled competent staff, this is supported by Marquardt et al. (2000) who highlight that employee training and development are playing an increasingly important and strategicrole in the economic success of the organization. Armstrong and Baron ( 2008) commented that nowadays most performance management systems had shifted importance towards continuous staff development and self evaluation

    1. Dear Amali, According to Dessler (2008), even when employees are carefully selected, it does not still guarantee totally acceptable performance from the employees. This is because while the potential of an employee to perform is one thing, performing is another and therefore an employee with a high potential to perform may not still perform his job if he does not go through training and development. This is why training of newly employed starts with organizational orientation.Cole (2004), states that human resources are the most dynamic of all the organization’s resources and therefore they need considerable attention from the organization’s management, if the it human resource are to realize their full potential in their work.

  13. Hi Shammer, High-impact training and development programs don’t just happen. Instead, they’re the result of a careful planning and alignment process. The following steps can help you translate business objectives into a tailored training plan. Identify Business Impact: Design and develop your training to meet the company’s overall goals. Keeping business goals in focus ensures training and development makes a measurable impact. Identify Business Impact: Design and develop your training to meet the company’s overall goals. Keeping business goals in focus ensures training and development makes a measurable impact. Motivation: How can you help learners understand why they need to change their behaviors? By working with employee motivations–for example, pinpointing a purpose–you’re more likely to change behavior over the long term. Skills Mastery: What do your learners need to be able to do the job? These behaviors will have the most impact on performance. Critical Thinking: What must your learners know to perform their jobs well? Distinguish critical knowledge from nice-to-know information to identify what content should be in the course, and what should be in optional resources. Layer Training Methods:
    The most effective training programs use layered, sustainable learning activities to create performance improvement over time. A layered approach makes sure your program targets the essential employee, customer, and business needs while training the right people at the right time in the right way. A layered approach is the best of all worlds because it blends learning experiences and training methods that maximize the benefits of your time. Evaluate Effectiveness and Sustain Gains: Employees’ need for training and support don’t end when they get back to work. In fact, continued support is required to ensure that initial training sticks. Measurable learning objectives are the foundation for you to evaluate an initiative’s impact. KHOURI (2018)

    1. Dear Ricky, DeCenzo & Robbins (2000), explain training as a learning experience, in that, it seeks a relatively permanent change in an individual that will improve his ability to perform on the job.Training thus consists of planned programmes designed to improve performance at the individual, group or organizational levels, Cascio (1992). Monappa & Saiyadain (2008), define training as the teaching or learning activities carried on for the primary purpose of helping members of an organization to acquire and apply the knowledge, skills, abilities and attitudes needed by that organization.

  14. Dear Shameer, An educated and well-trained work force is considered to be essential to the maintenance of a business firm’s competitive advantage in a global economy. It is also believed that training can and should be powerful agent to facilitate a firm’s expansion and the development of capabilities, thus enhancing profitability (Cosh, Duncan, and Hughes, 1998). However, Westhead and Storey (1997) suggest that employees in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are much less likely to receive training than their counterparts in larger organizations.
    Training & development refers to any activities at all through which managers and workers improve their work-related skills and knowledge. These activities may occur in short burst or be over a longer period of time. They may be linked to a qualification or not (Kitching & Blackburn, 2002). Training and career development are very vital in any company or organization that aims at progressing. This includes decision making, thinking creatively and managing people. Training and development is so important because- 
    -Help in addressing employee weaknesses 
    -Improvement in worker performance 
    -Consistency in duty performance 
    -Ensuring worker satisfaction 
    -Increased productivity 
    -Improved quality of service and products 
    -Reduced cost 
    -Reduction in supervision ( CCS University Meerut ,2014).

    1. Dear Shanaka, I agree with you that training and development is vital factor for an organization to perform well. Dessler (2008), sees training further, as the means of giving new or current employees the skills they need to perform at their various jobs.Cole (2004), argued that, human resources are the most dynamic resource of the all the resources at the disposal of the organization and thus, the human resource needs to be given considerable attention from managements to enable this resource realize their full potential in their work.

  15. Dear Shameer,
    Let me comment on this interesting topic . According to David (2006),Training and development not only develops the competencies of the employee but improve their rational capability and creativity in order to take healthier decision in time and in more productive manner. Moreover it also permit employees to deal with the clients in an effective manner and answer to their grievances in timely manner (Hollenbeck, Derue and Guzzo, 2004). Training develops self efficacy and results in greater performance on job (Svenja, 2007), by replacing the old-style weak practices by efficient and effective work related practices (Kathiravan, Devadason and Zakkeer, 2006). Training refers to a planned and structured interference aimed at enhancing the essentials of individual job performance” (Chiaburu and Tekleab, 2005). It is all about cultivating the skills that seems to be vital for the achievement of organizational goals and objectives. Training programs, may also help the workforce to lessening their nervousness or hindrance, originated by the work on job (Chenet al., 2004). Those workers who feel themselves to be incompetent to perform a task with the desired level of performance often decide to leave the firm (Chen et al., 2004), or else their stay at frim will not add to productivity (Kanelopoulos and Akrivos, 2006). The greater the gap between the required skills and those possessed by the workforce, the higher the job disappointment of the workers. Rowden (2002), suggest that training may also be an efficient tool for increase ones job satisfaction, as employee better performance leads to appreciation by the top management, hence employee feel more familiar with his job. According to Rowden and Conine (2005), trained employees are more able to satisfy the clients and (Tsai et al., 2007), workers who learn as a result of training program demonstrate a greater level of job satisfaction along with greater job performance.

    1. Dear Nishan,Armstrong (2009) clearly stated in his book that organizations could benefit from training and development through winning the “heart and minds of” their employees to get them to identify with the organization, to exert themselves more on its behalf and to remain with he organization.One major area of the Human Resource Management function of particular relevance to the effective use of human resources is training and development (Shen,2004).


Benefits of Executing Effective Training

Benefits of Executing Effective Training There are so many benefits associated with training. Kraiger (2002) summarizes these ...